The Healing Bar for Money Matters

Reading Time: 2 minutes


So, we’ve decided to dedicate the Healing Bar to specific focus areas and this month we’re looking at Money Matters in partnership with @savespendinvest

This is definitely for those of us that would like to get a better handle on our finances and the emotions that accompany money matters:

Are you currently dealing with: anxiety over not having enough money

Do you lack a stable money mindset?

Do you live in fear of your money running out?

Do you battle with the weight of debt?

Do you lack basic knowlegde on how to budget, save and invest?

Well then, this FREE Webinar is definitely for you!

We’ll be talking through all of this and exploring the basic ways to change your spending, saving and invest habits for the better.

We’ll be working through a Q&A with expert financial coach Bukiie Smart of @savespendinvest our faculty of Healing Bar life coaches to help us work through important topics like maximizing our finances, making healthier money choices and managing debt.

Bukiie is a multi-passionate young millennial best known for being a personal finance podcast host, speaker and author of the book ‘The ABCs of Personal Finance’. She is passionate about helping young people succeed in their financial lives and runs Save Spend Invest, a personal finance platform that aims to empower young millennials to save better, spend wiser and invest smarter through conferences and workshops. She loves travelling and is an avid reader of all things from tech and business, to self development and personal finance books. Personal favourites include Shoe Dog, When Breathe Becomes Air and The Richest Man in Babylon. A qualified accountant by day, when not at work she enjoys playing host to friends and learning new recipes in cooking.

We look forward to blooming with you at the next session, make sure you sign up, send us your questions in advance and tell a friend to tell a friend.


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