Bloom Session: Me, Myself & My Values

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Bloom Sessions are back! Have you heard of Value Proposition in business? Well, we’re going to create our personal strategy for our values.

About this Event

We’re bringing back the Bloom Sessions!

Same great group experience with our licenced coaches, same opportunity to share and grow. This months Bloom Session is focusing on discovering and growing our ability to reflect our values through the way we communicate. Everything falls into place when you know who you are, by identifying your values, you are able to express your wants and needs clearly and contribute better to your world and the world around you.

What are we going to do in this session?

This Bloom Session will be addressing some of the core principles that make you who you are. With the help of our seasoned life coaches, we will address the basic elements that propel decision making and try to re-establish the foundations of our values. In these 2 hours, our coach’s will guide us through exercises and discussions to help us re-discover and strengthen our abilities to define ourselves and communicate our life’s definition to those around us and the world at large.

You’ll be leaving the session with a strengthened perspective to who you are, how to communicate who you are and direction and what this can help you give and achieve, no hanky panky motivational speaker stuff.

Who should attend this Healing Bar session?

Everyone! The session will be tailored to suit everyone who is looking to reimagine themselves and reconnect to the values they have and the value they bring.

Why should I join this session?

We all tend to feel lost in life, we feel we have lost sight of what makes us who we are and with the state of the world right now, we are more likely to lose sight of what values we stand for and how we can use, project and live by these values. This session will help you align your vision, plans and goals to your core values and principles, it will give you a redefined or reinforced life ethos to make things a little clearer. So what are you waiting for!

Join us this month on the 10th by 6:30pm for our Bloom Session. Click here to register.

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